The other morning I was enjoying a run on one of the beautiful greenways in our area. I have been trying to run at a slower pace than normal as I train for the 50 for Freedom 50-mile run at the end of September. But this particular morning I was feeling pretty good and so I was running at a sub 8 minute mile – not that fast – but much faster than I plan to run the 50-miler. As I came out of the woods from the greenway and hopped onto a sidewalk I noticed a runner up ahead that had just come out of a neighborhood. I decided that I would hang back and run behind him about 10-15 yards so as not to push myself too hard on the rest of the run.
Now – this runner was bigger than me – taller and more muscular. He looked more like a linebacker to me than a runner. I was planning to relax the rest of the run as I followed him down the road but what I discovered was that he had no intention of taking it easy. He actually sped up slightly. I don’t think he realized I was behind him. I had no intention of trying to pass…I just wanted to keep up – to keep him in my sights so as to have a way to stay motivated to keep a good pace. But it pushed me – it challenged me more than I thought it would.
We kept this up for several miles and then I realized that he was going a different direction than I wanted to go. I was ready to turn and head back to the house and he was going on. It was time to stop following this guy and head in a different direction.
As I turned off the road I thought about the symbolism behind this choice. It wasn’t that there was anything wrong with the direction that the other person was going…but sometimes there is. Sometimes the people we are following are leading us in a direction in life that isn’t healthy, that doesn’t help us be our best selves, and that doesn’t bring honor to God. In those moments it is important to remember who we are and what our goals, priorities, and purpose are and make the hard choice to part company.
Sometimes this can cause pain. Sometimes it leads to a severed relationship. Sometimes it requires us to reevaluate our own lives. Whatever it requires, it is worth it. Being true to ourselves, to our maker, to our purpose in life allows us to live with integrity. That is more important than staying the course when that course doesn’t lead you to your desired destination.
As you come to that fork in the road, path, trail, or greenway, I hope and pray that for you it will be clear which way you need to go. If you have to part company with someone and not “follow them” down a path that is wrong for you, I hope that it will not cause too much pain. I hope that you will be able to take the time you need to make the right decision for you and for those whom you love. Remember to ask God for wisdom, seek God’s Kingdom first, and trust in the Lord with all your heart. The right path will become evident to you before you know it.
Soli Deo Gloria!