Helping Them Fly


I recently spent several days visiting my parents in Boone, NC.  One of the things that we enjoyed while I was there was a long walk on the greenway.  I also ran on the greenway a couple of times and enjoyed the beautiful wild flowers, wild life, and clear running water of the New River.  I feel so blessed to be able to get out and enjoy these wonderful natural gifts that God has given to us.

Walking with my parents gave me a deep appreciation for my family and for the roots that I have in the Boone community as well as the community of First Presbyterian Church in Boone.  I give thanks for all I learned from my parents and for the ways that they helped prepare me for life.  The images of roots and wings have often been referenced in parenting.  Parents and other mentors help children develop strong roots and strong wings so that when the time is right they can fly on their own.  I feel like I have had the blessing of both.

Not every child has the ability to fly away.  Some find themselves trapped in a cage they didn’t make or choose.  They are imprisoned there by an oppressor who takes advantage of them and tries to gain a monetary benefit from their suffering.  Sometimes they are made to work at very small or no wage to pay off a debt that isn’t even theirs.  Sometimes they are made to perform unspeakable acts for the sick pleasure of some “customer.”  All the payment goes to their oppressor and they continue to be manipulated, oppressed, and held against their will.  This is the face of human trafficking.

But this isn’t the only way that wings get clipped.  Anytime a child is held back, whether through bullying, or abuse, or poverty, or war, there is some part of their ability to fly that is impacted.  We can turn this around.  Through advocacy, encouragement, mentoring, education, and others means of support we can lift children up and help strengthen their ability to fly in this world.

Where can you plug in and make a difference today? Can you sign up at a local school to read to a child?  Can you be a big brother or sister in the community?  Can you teach Sunday school or help with a youth ministry?  Can you donate funds to an organization that works with and for children on the margins?  There is something that you can do!  So do it today and help a child fly.

The butterfly is a beautiful and colorful example of a creature that is able to fly after having been “imprisoned.”  We saw lots of butterflies out on our walk in Boone.  When I see one now I remember my calling to help a child fly.  Perhaps you can think about that too.

If you would like to help me in my campaign to end human trafficking, please click on the payment link above and make a donation to Lily Pad Haven.  They are making a difference and helping repair and rebuild lives so children can fly.  Thanks for your support.

Soli Deo Gloria!