On my training run yesterday I ran by the Bailey Middle School on Bailey Road. They are replacing the athletic field and are hard at work putting down all the new materials there which will be the foundation for the field where thousands of children will run and play. I thought about the importance of the foundation of that field. Proper drainage, grading, leveling, etc are necessary for the field to be the best that it can be.
Along my run I also saw many homes being built. A similar process is required when workers are preparing to build. The land has to be prepared in order for the foundation to be set in place. And the foundation must be in place in order for the home to be built. The foundation must be solid in order for the home to stand firm.
There is a story that Jesus tells in the Gospel According to Matthew during what is called the Sermon on the Mount. The story is about two builders. One builds on sand and the other on solid rock. When the storms come, the home on the solid foundation stands firm. The other falls. Jesus tells his listeners that if they listen to his words and live by them that they will be like the wise builder whose house stands firm.
If you read through the Sermon on the Mount you will see that it is a rather tall order to live by it. If you dig deep down into it you will see that the teachings have to do with our relationships. Our relationship with God and with neighbor (including family). The scriptures teach that the summary of all the laws is love. In other words – “love God and love neighbor.” Jesus teaches that all the law and the prophets are summed up in these two laws. What I am getting at is that love is the foundation. Love needs to be the foundation of our lives…of our homes…of our relationships…of our decisions. “Love never fails.” Paul reminds the church (1 Corinthians 13).
I invite you to measure your life in love. If that is your motivation, the life you are building will stand and will withstand any storm. This isn’t always easy but it is best. Remember that God promises to be there with us during every step of the journey. Don’t forget to ask for help. Hang in there!
PS – Help me end Human Trafficking by supporting my “50 for Freedom” 50-mile run on September 29th. I am trying to raise $50,000 for Lily Pad Haven, a Charlotte based organization that provides housing, counseling, and support to survivors of human trafficking, Scroll down to the “50 for Freedom” logo and click on it to make a tax-deductible donation. Thanks for your support. Please tell others about it!
Many thanks for your wonderful blog. We’re so happy for this sabbatical, offering precious time for meditation, prayer, exploration, family, and prepping for your run. God’s continued blessings on your journey.
In Christ,
Lynn and Tom Cushing
Thanks to you both. Peace