As I was heading out on my run this morning I ran through a work zone. The man who was directing traffic with his “STOP/SLOW” sign looked at me as I ran by and yelled with great intentionality – “Keep Your Eyes Open!” He was, of course, warning me about the construction and the possible oncoming traffic. I did keep my eyes open and got safely through. And then I began to think about what it means to “Keep My Eyes Open” in the world around me.
I am reading a book with a group of men called Mending the Divide. The book focuses on peacemaking and talks about four practices that the authors suggest help us become “everyday peacemakers. The first of the four practices is “See.” What we are invited to do is to pay attention to the world around us…to notice those places where there is need, heartache, struggle, brokenness, etc. To acknowledge it honestly and not to make excuses about it or pretend it doesn’t exist. Sometimes that is hard for us. Sometimes we would rather “turn a blind eye.” “Ignorance is bliss,” we might think to ourselves. But it isn’t faithful.
Jesus spent much of his time giving sight to the blind. He both restored the physical sight of many and gave spiritual sight – the ability to see the world with new eyes. These new eyes have compassion, honesty, concern, and a desire for the love and justice of God. Do we see with those kind of eyes.
I am training for an ultra-marathon – a 50 mile run scheduled for September 29th in Davidson, NC. The run has a name: “50 for Freedom.” I am running 50 miles and raising awareness about Human Trafficking. We don’t want to acknowledge that Human Trafficking exists in our world, much less in our own back yard. But if we allow ourselves to truly SEE – if we keep our eyes open – then we cannot help but admit that modern day slavery exists and it impacts millions and millions of people all around the world. So – Keep Your Eyes Open – and pay attention to opportunities to learn more about this issue (or any other issue) and what we can do to help reduce the number of boys and girls/men and women that are taken advantage of each and every day.
Soli Deo Gloria!